Please watch the Help Video for more detailed instructions or visit the documents linked on this page.
1. Install the Motioncraver Extension. Download ( and double-click the .exe or .pkg file to install
2. Open Premiere Pro v.22 or above and choose Windows > Extensions > Motioncraver
3. Install A Pack: open the Packages tab, click Install, and select the .aevpack file in the downloaded pack folder.
4. Enter the email and license key found on the Links page of “READ ME” help document.
5. Install fonts: open the Essential Graphics window, click the square and plus symbol button and choose the Fonts.mogrt file. Right-click the .mogrt thumbnail and select Sync missing fonts.
6. Add assets to the timeline. Double-click on a thumbnail in the extension panel. For transitions position the playhead at the cut of two clips first.
7. Customize graphics in the Edit Tab of the Essential Graphics window.
8. Add Your Content. Drag and drop items into the media drop-zones in the Essential Graphics Edit tab or double-click to open the purple “PUT IMAGE/VIDEO HERE” sequences.